script to load software speech automatically

Chris Norman cnorman at
Sun Mar 5 07:35:50 EST 2006

From: "Scott Berry" <electronicman1961 at>
To: <speakup at>
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2006 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: script to load software speech automatically

Okay well mine actually loads the software speech so it wouldn't do
what you want.

Would you mind posting the code for that please? I'm just starting with 
Linux really, and software speach is proving a problem really, I'm finding 
that there is no easy way to get it going. I hate to say it, but I quite 
like just putting the SuperNova disk or Jaws disk in my windows machine and 
having it talking. I think a lot of users will be lost if they can't get the 
maching to talk easily - the only reason I'm sticking with it is because I 
really like Linux, and because I'm a geek. :-D

Scott Berry
electronicman1961 at
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