how does mplayer control volume

Jan Buchal buchal at
Sat Mar 4 02:14:43 EST 2006

>>>>> "GN" == Gregory Nowak <greg at> writes:

    GN> Hi all. As you might have guessed from my previous few posts, I
    GN> am installing debian on a compaq laptop, that like lots of other
    GN> compaq laptops, controls the speaker volume via buttons on the
    GN> front of the machine, rather then via a simple knob.

    GN> Anyway, using showkey, the buttons don't register, however, I
    GN> was able to find some stuff on the web which indicates that
    GN> while the buttons don't work in the text console, they do work
    GN> to control the volume using something called acme under gnome.

    GN> I wasn't planning to install gnome on this system, however, I do
    GN> have the two windows keys, which are useless under gnu/linux, at
    GN> least when it comes to their original purpose. I do know that it
    GN> is possible to control the volume in mplayer using the 9 and 0
    GN> keys to bring it down or up respectively.

    GN> So, I was wondering if anyone knows how mplayer does what it
    GN> does to control the volume, and if it would be possible to map
    GN> this functionality to raise or lower the volume via the two
    GN> windows keys from any application running on the system, not
    GN> just mplayer? Thanks in advance again.


you can define own input.conf file for own controls. Here i s small

## MPlayer input control file

RIGHT seek +10
LEFT seek -10
- audio_delay 0.100
+ audio_delay -0.100
q quit
> pt_step 1
< pt_step -1
ENTER pt_step 1 1

I can set some key for volume control too.


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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