mplayer under debian

Jan Buchal buchal at
Sat Mar 4 02:04:04 EST 2006

>>>>> "GN" == Gregory Nowak <greg at> writes:

    GN> Hi all. I wanted to install mplayer under debian testing, but I
    GN> only found virtual packages, such as mplayer-nogui for example.
    GN> The only real mplayer packages I found seem to be plugins.

    GN> Can any debianites who have mplayer installed on their system
    GN> please provide some clues on what I need to do to get a mplayer
    GN> package, that is compiled for console, rather then for x use?

Add this lines to your sources.list:

# mplayer

deb sarge main
deb sid main

The package which you can need install is mplayer-686


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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