laptops with serial ports

Michael Prokop mika at
Sat Jul 22 04:15:05 EDT 2006

* John Heim <jheim at> wrote:

> I couldn't get grml 0.7 to speak with a doubletalk LE on a dell 620. But 
> 0.6 worked fine.  Lots of other things didn't work in 0.6 because of 
> marginal support in 0.6 for some of the new hardware in dell's 620s.

> I'm really in a fix here,If I have to install Windows on one of these 
> 620s I don't think I could do it. I've been able to install linux via a 
> serial console But I haven't found a live CD that works.
>   I either have no speech or the drivers are too old.

Just send me a short personal mail and I'll give you access to the
current develrelease of grml featuring kernel 2.6.17-grml so you
could give it a try.

HTH && regards,
( -» Linux Live-CD for texttool-users and sysadmins

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