Finally installed Wine but there are problems
Alex Snow
alex_snow at
Mon Jul 10 09:37:16 EDT 2006
I ran dos under bochs once to see if I could use an old dos image util
to write some xenix disk images to floppy, to later install under
bochs using the curses display. Other then the fact that the image
program had troulble writing to the floppy (understandable), bochs was
so slow that when I would push enter at the dos prompt, it'd take
around 5 seconds or more to give me another prompt. I have never seen
dos run that slow, even on old 386 machines.
On Sun, Jul 09, 2006 at
08:20:40PM -0700, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Interesting. I've found that DOS and linux, (at least when running in
> the text console, without x), was quite useable under
> bochs, and I might still even be using it for that, if dosemu, and
> user-mode-linux weren't available. The time that bochs really dragged
> was when I put win95 on it, along with wineyes, to see how it did. The
> install of win95 was possible to get through with a great deal of
> patience and time, but once it played the M$ sound, until the time it
> was ready to use, was about 15 minutes, and I'm not exaggerating that
> either, I timed it. Even when it was ready, the speech from wineyes
> coming through the sound card was so choppy and delayed, (even after
> playing with the bochs sound settings), that you couldn't tell what it
> was saying, unless you knew by heart what it was going to say when you
> did something. I also found that the alt, tab, and windows keys
> weren't useable, making things even more difficult.
> Greg
> On Sun, Jul 09, 2006 at 10:31:27PM -0400, Alex Snow wrote:
> > Qemu is a lot more responsive then bochs. The few times I've tried to
> > run anything under bochs (tried the dos and linux images from the
> > website) It was too slow to even think about using, and that was on a
> > 1ghz p3. Qemu seems to be at least useable.
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