hardware question, power button not working on system.
Tyler Littlefield
compgeek13 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 2 19:29:54 EDT 2006
I'll try the paper clip thing. My family will try, but... they usually don't
well, they don't know where to plug it in at.
compgeek134 at hotmail.com
moo coder/wizard and administrator
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gregory Nowak" <greg at romuald.net.eu.org>
To: "Speakup is a screen review system for Linux." <speakup at braille.uwo.ca>
Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: hardware question, power button not working on system.
> Hash: SHA1
> Either that, or a jumper might work as well I suppose. Alex is right,
> you really should get sighted assistance here, instead of
> experimenting. Avoid going to computer shops. As you've already found
> out, they charge a good fee for small stuff, and they've got a right
> to, or if they're a bunch of idiots, they'll blame the problem on you,
> or on the fact that you're running an OS which they're not familiar
> with.
> A family member should be able to tell you how to plug it in by
> looking at the board. Just be patient, explain to them exactly what
> they need to do, tell them about discharging themselves properly
> before touching anything in the system, and they should be able to
> help you without much of a problem, even if it seems like they're not
> the right people to ask, because of their lack of knowledge. I'm
> speaking from experience here in wiring a few motherboards to the
> system, and setting jumpers on cards.
> As for your other question, you very well may get shocked when trying
> the paper clip method, however, the most it will be is 12V DC, which
> you'll hardly feel, if you will at all. Most likely, it will be less
> then that, I'm not exactly sure what voltage the board uses on the
> system block connectors.
> Greg
> On Sun, Jul 02, 2006 at 04:43:54PM -0400, Alex Snow wrote:
> > You really need sited assistance to do that. Every motherboard is
> > different as far as the connecters go and you might fry something if
> > you plug it in wrong. One way I found to tell what pins the power
> > switch is (I don't recommend this unless you know what you're doing) is
> > to take a paperclip or other small piece of metal and use it to
> > connect pairs of pins in the connecter until the machine powers on.
> - --
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