Strange messages

Chuck Hallenbeck chuckh at
Sat Dec 23 07:36:11 EST 2006


I was getting errors and messages like that on my old system for some 
months and was unable to pin them down. I finally gave up and replaced 
the system with a new one. You are probably having a hardware problem, 
at least that would be my best guess. I hope you have better luck than I 
had in resolving it.


On Sat, Dec 23, 2006 at 02:39:09AM -0500, dan Murphy wrote:
> Hello.
>    I have a question about certain messages I receive from time to 
> time.  Now and then, on any given console I will get a message saying "can 
> not handle kernel paging request."  then that dconsole is frozen untill I 
> reboot.  If I go to another console and log in as super user to try and 
> kill the process, that 
> console also freezes.  It's not something that I can reproduce regularly. 
> I am running Slackware 10.2 kernel 2.4.31.  It is one of the kernels from 
> the installation CD.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks.
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