ActionTec 701WG intercepting port 80 question

Raul A. Gallegos raul at
Thu Sep 22 13:35:24 EDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Hi. I have dsl service with as the ISP as well using 
this modem. I have a couple of question from anyone who uses this setup 
or similar or who has in the past.

First, the way I have things setup right now are port forwarding of port 
80 into my Linux server which has Apache2.0 running on it. Here I have a 
few domains. I also have port 110 and 25 forwarded to this same server 
for outside mail checking and receiving.

Now to my problem and question.

If I use a browser from the server itself or from any machine on the 
network and try to open which is a hosted domain the 
ActionTec intercepts that because it's on port 80 and I get the login 
screen for the web management of the ActionTec. If the connection 
initiates from the outside then people can surf the sites here and be 
fine. Question about this, is there a way to turn off the web interface 
of the ActionTec or better yet, change it to listen on a different port? 
I've checked the user manual and even called 
Qwest but they tell me there is no way, only suggestion is to run the 
web server on another port however the ActionTec will not change the 
ports when forwarding the packets so that defeats the purpose. My next 
question is if one cannot turn off port 80 on the ActionTec and one 
cannot change the port for the web interface then is there another modem 
one can use with Qwest who uses PPPOA for access? and one who's port 80 
will not intercept or can be changed/turned off? I've heard the 2wire 
home portal Broadband modems are great but not sure if they will work 
with Qwest and PPPOA.


- -- 
Never insult an alligator until you've crossed the river.
Raul A. Gallegos ... IliwSsmc
Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)


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