question on cups

Scott Howell n3byy at
Tue Sep 13 13:21:09 EDT 2005

If anyone has worked with cups and could answer a question, I'd sure 
appreciate it. I have cups setup and I have read the docs as much as I 
can, but I'm having a problem. I can print locally, but I can not have 
any machines on the network print to the printer. Now both my Mac and a 
windows machine on the network can see the printer, but its as though 
the machines on the network do not hae permission to print to the 
printer. I've gone in to cupsd.conf and made sure that ports were 
enabled, that the configuration was such taht printers could print via 
internet printing.
I get no errors from cups so there's something else. Any ideas where I 
can look or what areas I need to dig into more closely, would be 

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