A spamthing we can use?

.dan. ddunfee at city-net.com
Thu May 19 13:30:49 EDT 2005

Regarding the use of a white list spam filter:

"hmm.  That is a way, how do you get mail from anyone new and how do you
filterout mail which appears to be from an address but is not?
 ".dan." ddunfee at city-net.com"

Look at the last line above.  The .dan., which is period dan period for
those with punctuation turned off, is one device.  If I have sent an email
to a new person it will appear in their response and doesn't get deleted.
Equally so for someone seeing my address on a mailing list or similar
place.  If I know someone is going to send me a message who is new, usually
because I give them my address, I add some part of their address or other
text to the filter to catch it.  If I think I will be getting mail from
them and want to continue to do so I add them to my addressbook.

I subscribe to many mailing lists, by using only the domain and extention
domain type as a trigger text I can get mail from any list using that
service.  Thus one doesn't have to put every address in the addressbook.
Also, the send to and recieve from address of mailing lists are often
different so both would have to be in the addressbook to work.  I can thus
recieve mail from any using the service,ex. yahoogroups, and have the
specific send mail address in my addressbook.
The second part of the question never happens, the spammer would have to
know to include an address or bit of text which triggers the filter to not
to delete mail before it is sent, which is almost impossbile to predict on
their part.

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