splitting audio tracks

Trevor Astrope astrope at tabbweb.com
Fri Jun 10 09:43:14 EDT 2005

What I do to transfer live concerts I've recorded on dat is record the dat 
to a single wav file and then use shnsplit from the shntool to split it up 
into separate tracks. shnsplit requires a text file containing the times 
where the tracks are to be split. I use cdrsplit by Jos Lemmens, a 
blinuxer to play the file. It will output a running time as it plays the 
file. You can also use it to split the tracks, but shnsplit is much 
faster when it comes to the actual splitting.

You will also need sox, as cdrsplit uses sox to play the files and the 
file must also be in the headerless cdr format, which you can use sox to 
convert the wav or just record the file in this format when transfering 
from the minidisc and then convert to wav before running shnsplit.

You can get cdrsplit from:


You can find shntool at:


Sox probably already comes with your distribution, but you can get the 
latest version at:


Hope this helps,


On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Garrett Klein wrote:

> Hash: RIPEMD160
> Hi all,
> 	Here's what I need to do. I have some stuff I've recorded on
> minidisc--concerts and such-- that I'd like to put onto the computer and
> then split into tracks. However, I really don't want to keep having to
> stop and start the minidisc recorder. What's the best way to take a big
> wav/mp3 file and split it into smaller wav/mp3 files? I've heard that
> there's a program called awe that will allow you to do this, but it's in
> Speakup CVS which is down at the moment. Any suggestions would be
> appreciated. Thanks.
> Garrett
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFCqM54pyN96jH+4g0RA+oJAJ9PdmH4MrUS7BMt/Hw6wmpzUwqhKwCdGJUI
> mDVKP76LuXyqPTdX1dJkG3s=
> =Y80w
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