Screen and behavior of Pine

Dan Murphy mweeby at
Thu Jul 21 19:18:05 EDT 2005

I have recently begun learning about "screen", and among other things I 
noticed something interesting.
for what ever reason, I like to have my backspace key speak the character 
I'm deleting while composing a message,perhaps this is a testiment to my 
lousy typing, and even using Nano inside of 
Pine, this never worked.  Lately, however, if I invoke screen before 
composing a message in Pine, the backspace works exactly as I like it to. 
Before discovering screen, which I'm still learning, I simply thought it 
was some strange interaction between Speakup, Pine and the editor of 
choice, which in this case happens to be Nano.  can anyone explain why 
this is or should I just be happy and enjoy it?

  Dan Murphy 
mailto:mweeby at
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