bugs in dectalk express speakup driver in speakup 2.0

Nick Gawronski nick at nickgawronski.com
Wed Jul 6 17:47:10 EDT 2005

Hi, I have noticed that when using my dectalk express with version 4.2c of 
the internal firmware on my fedora core 3 system with the speakup kernels 
that when I type a capital letter the pitch will drop down after typing the 
letter and I either need to power off and back on the unit or change it 
threw speakup.  I know it is not a dectalk bug as I also use window eyes on 
windows xp professional with service pack 2 and don't have this problem. 
When there is some time can someone look into fixing this bug?  bye
My web page is at http://www.nickgawronski.com 

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