getslack script

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Tue Feb 22 02:20:41 EST 2005

Prerequisites for the script are md5sum and ncftpget which is a part of 
the ncftp package.  If that software isn't installed and able to run this 
script won't run either.  The script is being sent to the speakup list for 
two purposes first ideas for improving the script and second so those 
interested in downloading slackware isos in the future can have a little 
automated verification done on those iso's once downloaded.  A failure in 
verification is supposed to trigger selective downloading to clear the 
first failure.

cut here.

# ncftpget script to get slackware update
# edit update version numbers after line 5, this update is 10.1
ls slackware* || ncftpget -R
echo "now testing isos with md5sum:"
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-install-d1.iso.md5 || ncftpget
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-install-d1.iso.md5 || echo "2nd download of 1st slackware iso failed run getsslack script later with a better connection"&& exit 1
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-install-d2.iso.md5 || ncftpget
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-install-d2.iso.md5 || echo "2nd download of 2nd slackware iso failed run getslack script later with a better connection" && exit 1
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-source-d3.iso.md5 || ncftpget
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-souurce-d3.iso.md5 || echo "2nd download of 3rd slackware iso failed run getslack script later with a better connection" && exit 1
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-source-d4.iso.md5 || ncftpget
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-source-d4.iso.md5 || echo "2nd download of 4th slackware iso failed run getslack later with a better connection" && exit 1
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-install-d1.iso.md5 && echo "1st slackware iso is good"
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-install-d2.iso.md5 && echo "2nd slackware iso is good"
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-source-d3.iso.md5 && echo "3rd slackware iso is good"
md5sum -c slackware-10.1-source-d4.iso.md5 && echo "4th slackware iso is good"

cut here.

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