speakup modified slackware 10.1 now available (fwd)

Joseph C. Lininger jbahm at pcdesk.net
Sat Feb 19 17:57:46 EST 2005

Hash: SHA1

This particular project is not designed for that purpose. This is just
the Slackware install CD customized a bit. The install CD is designed to
allow you to put Slackware Linux on your hard drive. There are a few CD
based systems out there if you are interested in that.

Marriage (N): An arrangement which usually results in twice the amount
of arguing and half the amount of sex.
Joseph C. Lininger
jbahm at pcdesk.net
Verification: 5eab38a77ac40416e075be8f50607ff7

And so it came to pass that on Sat, 19 Feb 2005, Ned said

> Since I am total novice in Linux and installing matters, my dumb
question is:
> can we then run that Linux version from a CD?
> Many thanks!
> Ned
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joseph C. Lininger"
<jbahm at pcdesk.net>
> To: "Speakup List" <speakup at braille.uwo.ca>
> Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 3:42 PM
> Subject: speakup modified slackware 10.1 now available (fwd)
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hello all,
>> I would like to let everyone know that I now have the first disc of
>> Slackware 10.1 CD set available in a speakup modified form. I started
>> project with Slackware 10.0, and have decided to continue it due to
>> success. In case you don't already know, this project provides a
>> install CD with the Speakup screen reader in all kernels. The
>> kernel has been removed, and all other kernels have been recompiled
>> include Speakup. This allows blind and visually impaired users to
>> Slackware Linux using the XFS filesystem, using SATA or SCSI, or
using any
>> other support provided by the kernels on the CD.
>> You can download the speakup modified ISO image via ftp at:
>> ftp://ftp.pcdesk.net/slackware/slackware-10.1-iso
>> Or via rsync at:
>> rsync://ftp.pcdesk.net/slackware/slackware-10.1-iso
>> I have also set up a web site for this project, which I am currently
>> revamping. You can find the site at:
>> http://www.pcdesk.net/slackwarespk.html
>> In the past, I provided both discs 1 and 2 in a Speakup modified
form. I
>> regrette to inform everyone that as of version 10.1, disc 2 of the CD
>> no longer appears to be a bootable rescue CD as it was in the past.
>> of this, disc 1 is the only one available on my site for this
version. It's
>> really too bad actually. That CD made a nice rescue disc.
>> If anyone has any questions, comments, flames, etc. concerning this
>> project, feel free to contact me via email at jbahm at pcdesk.net.
>> Marriage. (N): An arrangement which usually results in twice the
amount of
>> arguing and half the amount of sex.
>> Joseph C. Lininger
>> jbahm at pcdesk.net
>> Verification: 5eab38a77ac40416e075be8f50607ff7
>> Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
>> iD8DBQFCFvIXJ6dqn0mqPbARAlMPAJ9CkxXyy7E2DqNr8kEbDiAdDYUzAgCfSfcd
>> KRGxH6ihu02FtgxJsg/h2eQ=
>> =RiBM
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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