Linux and data storage?

Luke Davis ldavis at
Mon Sep 27 17:14:19 EDT 2004

On Mon, 27 Sep 2004, Janina Sajka wrote:

> 600 certainly does help. Can you build a tar and chmod at the same time?

Hmm, an interesting question.  There are two ways to test this idea, which 
I will now attempt...

Starting the tar process in one window (using screen), and in another 
listing the file in /tmp, shows, 644.  Doing a chmod to 600, while the tar 
is still in progress, then listing the file again, shows 600.  So that 
solution appears to work, as would, of course, backgrounding the tar 
process, and changing the mode.

The other method:

touch /tmp/ldtf.tbz
chmod 600 /tmp/ldtf.tbz
tar --bzip2 -cf /tmp/ldtf.tbz ~/

also acomplishes the task of keeping the file private, so I suppose the 
answer is yes, in all possible ways.

> I realize we're splitting hairs here.

So what?  The more hairs you split, the more lessons you learn about hair.
Put another way: in order to determine the means by which something 
operates, is frequently to split it open, and see!


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