fetchmail daemons

Chuck Hallenbeck chuckh at sent.com
Sun Sep 5 13:17:57 EDT 2004

Hi Scott, Adam, and all ...

I run a fetchmail daemon in my root account, and in the .fetchmailrc
there are lines that redirect incoming mail from root to the appropriate
user. So one copy of fetchmail, running as a daemon, can retrieve and
redistribute my incoming mail to several local users. Here is an example
of the line that gets this done:

user chuckh at sent.com password ###### is chuckh here

The phrase "is chuckh here" is the critical phrase that redirects the
mail arriving at root to the user "chuckh".

When I am away from my computer, which occasionally happens, I kill the
daemon with "fetchmail -q" and then restart it later.

One more way to skin a cat.


The Moon is Waning Gibbous (59% of Full)
My home page is at http://www.mhcable.com/~chuckh
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