Speech synthesizers

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Wed Nov 10 21:24:45 EST 2004

It's been done, Tyler. I don't have a precise URL at hand, but exactly
what you say is hosted by the Trace Center at the University of
Wisconsin (Madisson). Their web page is:


I'm sure that doing a search there will turn that page up for you.

Tyler Spivey writes:
> I was wondering if anyone was interested in collecting as
> many speech samples as they can find/create of various synthesizers and hosting
> them somewhere. I don't have a place to host them,
> or I would.
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				Janina Sajka, Chair
				Accessibility Workgroup
				Free Standards Group (FSG)

janina at freestandards.org	Phone: +1 202.494.7040

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