interesting lockup with Slackware current

Doug Sutherland wearable at
Mon May 31 21:38:56 EDT 2004


I've gone down the road of playing with slackware-current, and that basically
equates to unstable, untested, incompatible, etc. Also, mixing and matching
the latest stable rev (9.1) with some of the current stuff is dangerous, they
often use different revs of the very basic core stuff like gcc, glibc, and
binutils (from which everything is built). With slackware, its usually best
to stick with the latest stable rev, and if you need to upgrade stuff, best
to build from source.

Regarding your sendmail "lockup", I'm willing to bet that the machine was not
frozen, rather sendmail was confused about some configuration detail related
to networking. Like I said before this is common. That used to happen to me
in the redhat 5 days. Usually the problem relates to DNS name resolution.

   -- Doug

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