Log Watch Whackiness Since Installing Fedora Core 2

Richard Wells richwels at bupster.cjb.net
Sun May 30 17:16:31 EDT 2004

Hello List,

Ever since installing Fedora Core 2, I have been getting the strangest Log 
Watch message sent to root. I normally like reading them to get the latest 
activity on my machine but now some really whacky stuff is getting 
prepended to this daily generated message. How can I get rid of this error 
or whatever is causing this garbage to appear in my Log Watch messages?


A portion of the  text appears below:

################### LogWatch 5.1 (02/03/04) 
       Processing Initiated: Sun May 30 04:02:09 2004
       Date Range Processed: yesterday
     Detail Level of Output: 0
          Logfiles for Host: bupster.cjb.net

 --------------------- httpd Begin ------------------------

A total of 2 unidentified 'other' records logged

Any help is appreciated!

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