Fedora 2 install

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Sun May 23 16:57:21 EDT 2004

Well, if you have a broadband connection to the net, you might want to reconfigure /etc/yum.conf for FC2 and do:

yum upgrade

That might get you there. Be sure to exclude the kernel from the upgrade though. You'll want to put that one in by hand to get Speakup support.

Example exclude:

exclude=kernel kernel-doc kernel-source kernel-smp *debuginfo*

Stephen Clower writes:
> Hi Janina,
> I didn't think partition resizing would have made a difference, but I wanted to make sure I tried absolutely everything, including a fresh partitioning in case the installation script looked for a partition number that didn't exist. Yes, the MD5sums showed that my CD-rom's were correct. Fedora Core 1 did install, and in both instances I was using the Speakup modified Iso images. I guess I could always just install a whole lot of RPM packages failing a solution.
> Stephen Clower, that guy from the south.
> You can reach me by any of the following:
> E-Mail: steve at steve-audio.net
> MSN: steve at steve-audio.net
> AIM: AudioRabbit03
> You can also check out my little home on the web by visiting http://www.steve-audio.net
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				Janina Sajka, Director
				Technology Research and Development
				Governmental Relations Group
				American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

		Chair, Accessibility Workgroup
	Free Standards Group (FSG)

Email: janina at afb.net		Phone: (202) 408-8175

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