speechd-el and emacs question

Cheryl Homiak chomiak at charter.net
Fri May 7 18:35:51 EDT 2004

Not trying to throw everybody for a loop, but this is a speechd-el with
emacs question rather than a speechd-up with speakup question.
I've been searching for a line to put in my .emacs file to set the voice.
Even though I now have "Emily" as the default in my speechd.conf, and that
works with theta by itself and with speechd_up, frank still comes up in
emacs with speechd-el. Once in emacs, I can change it easily by doing
ctrl-e d v
and then at the "voice" prompt, typing
but I don'[t seem to be able to get the syntax right for putting the
command in my .emacs file. I want the command in the .emacs file so that if
I obtain other voices and want to change the occasionally, I only have to
change the variable in the .emacs file. can somebody supply me with the
correct .emacs line for this/

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