possible speakup bug - lines running together

Luke Davis ldavis at shellworld.net
Wed May 5 22:28:37 EDT 2004

I have been seeing that since 1.0.

On Mon, 3 May 2004, Jacob Schmude wrote:

> Hi all
> 	About a week ago I reported a bug with speechd_up and speech
> dispatcher on the speechd list, involving lines running together when
> using speechd_up. Well, yesterday I managed to revive my half-dead dec
> express--don't know exactly how I did it but the thing works again. I've
> noticed the bug on the dec express as well. Basically, what's happening is
> that, when using a keystroke that reads multiple lines, the last word of
> the line that is being read is mashed together with the first word of the
> next line--the words are pronounced as if there are no spaces between
> them. On synthesizers such as the dec express and software dec, this can
> obviously create some rather interesting pronunciation anomolies. I had
> thought the problem to be in speech dispatcher at first, but since it
> happens on my dec express as well, it is clearly either a problem in
> speakup or a setting I accidentally changed. Just to demonstrate, here's
> two lines:
> This is a test of speakup reading more
> than one line at a time.
> These lines are spoken like this:
> This is a test of speakup reading morethan one line at a time.
> I'm using speakup 2.0 cvs from 4/14/2004 at 16:23:30 which is the most
> recent--I checked for updates before reporting this.
> Note that this problem does not surface when the screen is being read as
> data comes in, only while reviewing the screen with the numpad.
> Has anyone else seen this bug? Have I accidentally changed a setting
> somewhere?
> Thanks
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