Reading PGP messages with Mutt

Steve Holmes steve at
Mon Mar 22 22:31:59 EST 2004

I'm beginning to get into this big monumentous task of getting PGP
going with Mutt.  So far, I installed gnup-1.2.3 as a Slackware
package and I copied gpg.rc from the mutt samples directory into
/etc/mutt plus I 'source' in that file from /etc/mutt/Muttrc.  Oh, I'm
using Mutt version 1.5.6I.  So far, I'm just trying to read incoming
messages that are PGP signed but I still get this message at the top:
[-- Error: unable to create PGP subprocess! --]
Any idea of the cause of this? Thanks.

HolmesGrown Solutions
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