Does anyone have a copy of WordPerfect 5.1 for linux?

cris filastin48 at
Fri Mar 19 13:40:53 EST 2004

Hi folks,
In the old days, There used to be a version of wordperfect 5.1 that ran on
unix, which I assume it would also run on linux!  This version no longer is
available on the internet for download.  You can find wordperfect versions 8
and above for linux, but those ones require xwindows.  If anyone have found
or managed to still have the version of wordperfect that can run only in a
txt consol, please pass me a copy.  I need wordperfect because I need a
linux word processor that does footnotes, italics, boldfacing, and some
other important features of professional academic papers.

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