ogg to mp3 conversion

Toby Fisher toby at tjfisher.co.uk
Fri Jun 18 04:44:52 EDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Joseph C. Lininger wrote:

> A direct conversion  is not possible as far as I know. You see, both formats
> work by sampling the original sound, and it is not possible to simply
> convert formats because different portions of the sound are considered
> important and so left in by each format.

As a result, I'm not sure that ogg to mp3 would sound all that good.  
Interestingly, though, mp3 to ogg sounds quite reasonable, there is a perl 
script mp32ogg, which does aa nice job, by using q4 ogg encodings, thus a 
128k mp3 doesn't depreciate noticeably imho; I used it, and still do, to 
convert the mp3s I get from the net into oggs, like all the other stuff I 
encode myself.  Both Debian and Gentoo have packages for it.


p.s. someone may have asked this, but why would you want to go from ogg to 
mp3?  It's bigger, more prone to errors and thequality isn't as good.  I 
assume you have an mp3 player or something?


- -- 
Toby Fisher	Email: toby at tjfisher.co.uk
Tel.: +44(0)1480 417272	Mobile: +44(0)7974 363239
ICQ: #61744808
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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