tiflolibros audio site and downloads

Cheryl Homiak chomiak at charter.net
Sun Jun 13 14:01:48 EDT 2004

I'm wondering if anybody has done anything with tiflolibros
You have to register and give proof of disability to get books (most of 
them Spanish) but I'm not sure if the format of the books is a text file 
of some kind that theta or festival could read or an audio file and since 
they don't mention linux I don't know if there are any problems 
downloading, though the downloads are apparently zip files which should 
not in and of themselves be a problem.
Also, they had something up to which one could listen, using wmp. When I 
tried it on mplayer on this machine I got the start of cache fill and it 
looked like it was going to work; then I was told mplayer had crashed due 
to poor use of cpu, but since I play all sorts of other things with 
mplayer I wonder if it's this machine's setup or something else. Haven't 
tried it on my laptop yet, where I just recently freshly installed mplayer 
and a bunch of codecs. If somebody has time, could you check out either of 
the two urls below and see whether you can play them.



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