zinf doesn't play!

Buddy Brannan davros at ycardz.com
Wed Jan 21 23:32:02 EST 2004

Hi y'all,

Wonder if anyone's using zinf-2.2.4?

Mine isn't playing. That's a real shame, because it has some nice new
navigation key additions in the command line interface! I just
installed it (Debian unstable), and type
zinf <filename>
where the filename is either an MP3 stream or a local MP3, ogg, or
whatever, and the file neither plays nor does it show as playing (as
if it's not even loading the file). But it squawks if it can't find
the file. Very odd behavior, that. Anyone know if something needs to
be changed in .zinf/preferences from earlier versions like 2.2.0 (I
think was the one I was using previously)? I already changed the UI to
cmdline.ui so it isn't that...

Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV/3    | But I will lay my burden 
Email: davros at ycardz.com   | in the cradle of your grace,
ICQ: 36621210              | And the shining beaches of your love,
http://www.ycardz.com      | and the sea of your embrace.--Dave Carter

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