Pedestrian project

Charles Crawford ccrawford at
Fri Feb 27 06:08:13 EST 2004


     this May, the congress of pedestrian advocates will be
meeting in Silver spring Maryland.  Making other pedestrian
advocates aware of the issues of blind and disabled peds is
critical to insuring our interests are properly understood and
advanced by other ped advocates.  I have agreed to write up a
plain language guide for ped advocates to use as a reference when
considering the needs of blind and disabled pedestrians and I
need your help to do it.

     Please think about the issues you confront as a blind or
disabled pedestrian and send me electronic mail with your
concerns and personal experiences so I  can compile them into a
document to be included with the information for all participants
in the pedestrian congress.  I plan to write a straight talking
and clear document that will serve to help pedestrian advocates
when negotiating with public officials.

     We simply cannot afford to stay in the shadows when our
lives and well being are at stake.  We must be up front and clear
about our rights to travel in safety and convenience.  We need to
tie it all together including transportation, sidewalk and
intersection design, and make provisions for the future inclusion
of pedestrian considerations in development projects.  This is
neither an easy task nor one that will prove instantly popular in
a car oriented culture, but for ourselves, for our neighbors, and
for our futures we must make a difference.

     Please send your emails to ccrawford at and I
will make available the document to all who wish it once it is

-- charlie Crawford.

-- Charlie Crawford

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