ViaVoice Is Back

Sina Bahram sbahram at
Tue Feb 17 11:55:13 EST 2004

Janina any ideas on this? Do you think the components that are used for that
commercial package can then start to be used for Emacspeak or anything like
that again?

Take care,

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-----Original Message-----
From: speakup-bounces at [mailto:speakup-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Janina Sajka
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:45 AM
To: speakup at
Subject: ViaVoice Is Back

>From GCN's printer friendly version of the news story at:

IBM brings text-to-speech to the Linux desktop

   By Patricia Daukantas,
   GCN Staff
   IBM Corp. researchers are bringing text-to-speech capabilities to the
Linux desktop.
   Previously, production versions of IBM's text-to-speech engine had been
available only for the Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh platforms, said
   Rich Schwerdtfeger, an IBM software group accessibility strategist and
chairman of IBM's Accessibility Architecture Review Board.
   A few years ago, the company had made a beta Linux version of the speech
engine available for downloading, but took it offline when it stopped
   with later versions of the Linux kernel.
   The speech engine, together with a screen reader, converts text on a
computer screen to sound but does not enable users to issue voice commands
to the
   computer, Schwerdtfeger said.
   Wizzard Software Corp. of Pittsburgh is distributing the IBM-developed
ViaVoice speech engine in its Interactive Voice Assistant line of products,
   Schwerdtfeger said.
   List pricing for the IVA Business Starter Kit, which assists users with
e-mail, dictation and Internet applications, is $95 per seat. The IVA Global
   Business Suite, with additional translation and presentation
capabilities, and the IVA Communications Pack, with support for phone-to-PC
   each cost $120 per seat.

Janina Sajka
Email: janina at		
Phone: +1 (202) 408-8175

Director, Technology Research and Development
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Chair, Accessibility Work Group
Free Standards Group

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