IP address

Chuck Hallenbeck chuckh at hhs48.com
Sat Dec 25 05:32:11 EST 2004


You are right. What Glen needs is not the IP address of his machine,
neither his Debian box nor his XP box, but the IP address of his router
that was assigned by his ISP. The two machine addresses are not assigned
by his ISP, but by his router, and thus are not available to be used by
folks from outside his local network. The two addresses he spoke of can
only be used within his local network, so that his Debian box and his XP
box can talk directly to each other with the help of his router. The
other detail is that he must instruct his router to open whatever ports
he wishes to make available to the outside world, such as for FTP, SSH,
HTML, etc.


On Sat, 25 Dec 2004, Ari Moisio wrote:

> HI!
> One way to get ip address is to send mail to    oneself or mailing list and 
> examine headers, specially last Received:-line. This will tell ip address off 
> your computer. Your message revealed ip address 
> (24-116-252-4.cpe.cableone.net).

The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (99% of Full)
"Things are in the saddle, and they ride mankind." Ralph Waldo Emerson
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