Missing something important

ameer armaly ameer at charter.net
Wed Apr 28 20:39:12 EDT 2004

Hey chuck
Speechd.conf should be in /etc/speech-dispatcher, if not,
As to putting things together, here's a script to do it all.
This simply requires that you have sftsyn installed; module or builtin
doesn't matter.

#software speech script
#start speech dispatcher
#load speakup softsynth module:
#this requires that we first change to no synth in some cases, so we may
as well to be safe.
echo none >/proc/speakup/synth_name
echo sftsyn >/proc/speakup/synth_name
#start speechd_up

this should at least give you an idea of how things are structured; it's a
bit complex at first (i was planning to leave it until the summer), but
once you get it working it works like a charm.

On Wed, 28 Apr 2004, Chuck Hallenbeck wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I think I am missing something concerning this soft speech stuff.
> What I am missing is something to read! I have everything
> installed and tested, but need to be pointed to a basic
> orientation to how to put the pieces together.
> For instance: I guess I need to recompile my kernel with
> everything connected with speakup set as modules, right? At the
> moment I have speakup_ltlk and speakup_sftsyn compiled into the
> kernel, but that evidently will never do for being able to switch
> from one to the other. Where is there something to read about
> that?
> For another thing, Jacob and Steven are talking about a
> configuration file called speechd.conf, the first I have heard of
> it! I can't find any such file on my system. Where should I look,
> and more importantly, what can I read? It is not mentioned in any
> of the docs I have read, and none of these software pieces seems
> to have any man pages.
> Is there a write-up on software speech with speakup? I am
> suffering from a "having come to the table after the meal has
> begun" syndrome.
> Chuck
> - --
> The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (62% of Full)
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