Fedora stuff

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Fri Apr 16 09:09:49 EDT 2004

Well, and may I point out that the installation HOWTO for the Speakup Modified Fedora Core also has numerous hyperlinks to additional information about getting started using Linux? And, it's Fedora specific:


Garry Turkington writes:
> 1. up2date works in Fedora.  So from the console just do an "up2date -u".
> Even though the rhn_register stuff is still in Fedora, don't use it.  Yum
> also works very well.
> 2. The adduser command is /usr/sbin/adduser.
> 3. Since Fedora Core 1 was what would have been called Red Hat Linux 10 in
> another universe much of the RH 9 documentation is still relevant.
> Otherwise, there's a number of good Fedora sites popping up, Google and
> you shall find.
> Regards,
> Garry
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				Janina Sajka, Director
				Technology Research and Development
				Governmental Relations Group
				American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Email: janina at afb.net		Phone: (202) 408-8175

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