ardour (was: Re: audacity and speakup?)

Janina Sajka janina at
Sat Apr 10 14:16:56 EDT 2004

My responses below.

Karen Lewellen writes:
> i want one program that allows me to
This is not an audio requirement. I don't understand what kind of requirement it is, but it's definitely not an audio requirement.

 do the following:
> produce broadcast quality materials  on cd,


Don't believe these can be written to, can they? Don't you have to feed audio into minidisks and have the unit do its own digitization? I'm fairly certain they don't have digital out, but I'm unsure about the input.

etc,  including
> bringing in sound elements from
> external sources,
By "bringing in" I presume you mean mixing two sound sources together?


ecasound or arecord to digitize audio from the audio output of the device.


video ,
mplayer, vob tools, etc.

> and editing or improving the quality of that sound.
ecasound, wedit, bsound, cm, pvoc, etc

> I wish to be able to record, for example over dubbing, as in standard
> commercials, and and or  if needful,
> recording from external sources, say drawn ing from digital piano, cd turn
> table tape etc.

> although the sound editing factors are more important.
> As i have said, i am a freelance radio producer, and want to duplicate
> the kind of workstation that i might find in a  standard studio,
> including mixing, as i might with a standard mixing board.  If the
> application is not capable, then being able to interface a standard mixing
> board, with more than  one channel with which to work.
Ardour, not sure about being able to introduce an analog control device with the console Ardour interface, though.

> Is this more clear?
Actually, I think I now understand why you want one package to do all of this. You don't want the bother of keeping track of the all the little intermediate files that are created in this kind of work. You want the application to track all of that for you and put into menus for you. Sorry, you don't get that on the CLI.

> Karen
> On Sat, 10 Apr 2004, Janina Sajka wrote:
> > If you're just looking for pointers, please say what you want to do. For example, if you just want to record, you can do that with arecord. If you want to trim parts of that recording, use Chuck's wedit application. If you want to do transpositions and time scale modifications, then you'll want tools like PVC and pvoc. If you want to do all kinds of filtering and mixing and matching, look at ecasound. If you want to generate sound from fundamental rules look at csound and cm.
> >
> >
> > Karen Lewellen writes:
> > > Hi,
> > >  first, i replied to one of your post regarding why I
> > > thought sighted producers would welcome some of those
> > > cli  applications for sound editing, but
> > > got an odd note  about it needing to be reviewed by the mod, and that i
> > > would hear back on it.  No new data as of yet.
> > > I too did not wish to contribute to
> > > the speculation on this topic over much,
> > > but honestly just wanted the name or names of cli applications
> > > that provide the same functionality in sound editing as
> > > gui ones.
> > > I have no desire to re-event the wheel, nor do I think it needful.
> > > Karen

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