attempt at freedombox

Cheryl Homiak chomiak at
Fri Apr 9 09:49:35 EDT 2004

Well, I've tried with ./fbstartx several times. Some very
electronic-sounding distorted music plays a line and i am welcomed to
freedombox. Then a voice, sounding as electronic as the music, welcomes me
to freedombox and says something about my account number. I enter it. i
wait several minutes. It comes on and repeats my account number as I
entered it and then says something about "edit". I've tried doing nothing,
tried just hitting enter, and tried putting in my pin number even though
it hadn't been requested yet. definitely don't put in your pin number;
when it speaks again after several minutes it just adds the pin number
onto the account number you already typed. If you just hit enter, I think
it eventually repeats your account number again, but so far I haven't
gotten it to do any more than that.
If anybody has gotten further maybe you can tell me what you did; if i
don't get past this soon i'll have to email freedombox.
Just thought somebody might want to know others' results.

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