zinf problems

Kirk Reiser kirk at braille.uwo.ca
Mon Jun 23 06:10:44 EDT 2003

I cannot speak to the alsa driver working or not working but decided
to get to the bottom of the no sound problem in zinf.  The bug reports
filed with debian and the zinf web site are less than helpful.

So the answer is easy and absolutely not obvious, in the preferences
file in the .zinf directory of your home directory there is a variable
softmix.  It is set to true by default.  Setting softmix to false will
clear up the zinf non-sound problem.

How I finally discovered the answer is a long story but it involved
compiling and debugging and other usual bug hunting bullshit.  All
that for a nice simple little fix.



Kirk Reiser				The Computer Braille Facility
e-mail: kirk at braille.uwo.ca		University of Western Ontario
phone: (519) 661-3061

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