sendmail authentication: correction

Andrew Hodgson andrew at
Sun Jun 22 10:51:51 EDT 2003

Chuck Hallenbeck in
<Pine.LNX.4.44.0306220952220.3048-100000 at>:

>The other day I posted a link I thought might help me figure out
>how to send my mail to an email service that requires an
>authenticated smtp connection. It turns out the link I sent was
>not helpful. It was aimed at configuring sendmail so that it
>required an authenticating client, and what I needed was to
>configure my own sendmail as such an authenticating client to
>another smtp server that required one.

I take it there is a reason you can't do direct end-to-end delivery
using your copy of Sendmail?

Andrew Hodgson, Bromyard, Herefordshire, UK.
Email: Andrew at

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