Minicom and the b l?

Gregory Nowak greg at
Sun Aug 17 23:39:26 EDT 2003

Hi Paul.

You need to match the parameters on both the pc and the
braille lite. In other words, if you chose software hand shaking on
the blt, choose xon/xoff in minicom.

Also, be sure to match baud rate, parity, data bits, and stop bits on
both machines.



On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 09:10:22PM -0600, Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1) wrote:
> Hi all.  A while ago, I had successfully gotten minicom to transfer to and 
> fro the brl lite 18
> Allas, for some reason, transfers have stopped working, and I've totally 
> spaced what I could have done to make it successful.  Any ideas what the 
> settings should or could be on both?  That is, hardware or software 
> handshake on this one, and what else on that one?  I'd think after all 
> these years dealing with such things I'd remember some basics (grin).  
> Thanks much as always.

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