Installing Speakup Mods (Part 2)

Doug Sutherland wearable at
Tue Apr 15 08:37:48 EDT 2003

(Continued ...)

To test the festival system, you can try typing this:

This starts an interactive session with festival.
Type the following to test the speech:

(SayText "I am testing festival")

It should speak the text in quotations.

If the compilation or testing of speech tools or festival does
not work, read the files called INSTALL in the distribution
directories /usr/src/festival and /usr/src/speech_tools

Installing Speakup

Speakup is a set of patches to the linux kernel. It is assumed
that you are familiar with kernel configuration and compilation.
See the kernel howto for more information on building kernels.
The following instructions explain how to dowload and prepare
both speakup and the speakup modifications for sound card.

The Speakup Home page is here:

Get the most recent speakup source code from CVS:

cd /usr/src
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at login
Password: please
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at checkout speakup

You will see a new directory /usr/src/speakup

The home page for the speakup modifications for software
synthesiser is here:

Get the speakup modifications

You may want to check if there is a more recent release.
Check this page for updated release information:

Extract the speakup modifications
cp speakup-modifications-20030403.tar.gz /usr/src
cd /usr/src
tar xzvf speakup-modifications-20030403.tar.gz

Compile the middleware program
cd middleware

The next step is to patch the linux kernel with speakup
and the modifications for sound card, which are already
extracted into the /usr/src/speakup directory.

Download the linux kernel source, for example:

Prepare the kernel source

cp linux-2.4.20.tar.gz /usr/src
cd /usr/src
tar xzvf linux-2.4.20.tar.gz
rm linux
ln -s linux-2.4.20 linux
cd linux
make mrproper

Now the kernel needs to be patched with the speakup
and modifications for sound card.

cd /usr/src/speakup
cp install /usr/src
cd /usr/src

Hopefully you will get a message indicating that the
patches were applied without errors. If you get errors
you will need to figure out why before proceeding

(Continued on next message) 

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