using speakup with festival or flite

Doug Sutherland wearable at
Tue Apr 15 08:00:26 EDT 2003

rmann at wrote:

 > How do you like using Speakup with the Usrdev driver?
 > I got it working, but after about an hour I decided to
 > go back to using my Doubletalk synth because I couldn't
 > get speech to shut up when I wanted it to.

I don't have an external speech synthesizer, so I have
nothing to compare to ... this is my first experience
with speakup. To be honest I have no idea if it is
behaving and operating properly yet. It's definitely
speaking console output, but I have seen some flaky
things happening. I will try the speakup 1.5 with the
mods for software synth, and start testing each of the
speakup functions to see if they appear to work. Come
to think of it, I did have trouble getting it to stop
speaking ... anyone else using the software synth?
What's your experience been like? Is it not doing the
same as an external synth?

   -- Doug

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