This sucks! OCR in Linux

Thomas D. Ward tward1978 at
Sat Apr 12 21:17:30 EDT 2003

What I meant was that if you wanted to make a living off the software it's
dificult to come up with an open source solution which gives back a cash
return. I love Linux, and find it far superior to windows.
The problem comes in if you want to use an already working OCR engine that
costs big bucks to use, then the software winds up being comercial. If you
take the open source, free software route, which would be nice then
development time is going to take a long while to get up to the quality of a
comercial product.
Another issue is many scanner manufacturers refuse to release driver info
under open source licenses. Which either puts you in a situation of figuring
out how it works, or you wind up not supporting it.
Comercial verses open source is a huge conflict, and open source can be
great if everyone cooperates. If people don't cooperate development can be

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