question about microsoft and linux

Aaron Howell aaron at
Mon Sep 9 20:06:53 EDT 2002

Actually, my information regarding Microsoft is out of date as of February 2001.
its been moved from FreeBSD back to Windows 2000 server (which will explain the number of IIS related holes its had over the past year).
The information re cisco is still accurate at least as far as their web presence is concerned (can't vouch for internal stuff but its likely the same).

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+----------------------------------------------------------+    |
| Aaron Howell                  Kitten Internet            |    |
| aaron at           Internet consultancy,      |    |
| Phone: +61-417-625550         System administration,     |    |
| fax: +61-7-36010099           system design/integration. |    |
| icq: 6715521           |    |
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