possible sollution

Gregory Nowak greg at romualt.dhs.org
Mon May 20 13:19:08 EDT 2002

Hey, I know I'm bad sometimes, but why don't you check your spelling/typing? Also, as long as Kirk himself doesn't say windows bashing is not allowed on this list, I will with much pleasure continue to bash it when someone like Amir offends my GNU/Linux sensibilities by singing the praises of windows.

On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 05:14:13AM +0000, Maurice A. Mines wrote:
> hi I am talking about the windows bashing I use both linux andwindows my 
> physfpey is to use both and that both have the playse and please stope 
> talking about piritting software that is vay elicgle I gess I am filling 
> over welmed by email please let's just get back to talking about speakup 
> please??
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