java/java script/ya ain't missing much

Cecil H. Whitley cwhitley at
Fri May 17 23:16:40 EDT 2002

*snip*  See response below
> Hi all,
> I am subscribed to some mailing lists for web server programming, and each
> time they ask for some automation with Javascript, I remember them
If you depend on client side data validation, you still need to do server
side in order to prevent buffer overflows, etc from people who want to use
your server to express themselves, and other uses.

Php or Python scripting on the server side can accomplish sending you back
to the refferer url.  Both are common unix/linux/windows tools as is apache.

I am not advocating banning java, but I must reiterate that java script is
not java.  Activex is also not java.  M.S. has an implementation of java
script which is only java script in name, but most M.S. platforms understand
it, whether or not they understand true java.
Java script can be functionally replaced, but it will require server side
processing or moving to other common methods that are implemented on the
client side.

It should be pointed out in Lynx's defense that java and java script are a
highly graphical language and to implement it "text only" would violate the
language itself.  Bottom line, text only java or text only java script would
be partially functional at best and quite possibly useless to boot.



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