How to get an accessible telephone

Toby Fisher toby_fisher at
Tue May 7 03:17:29 EDT 2002

On Tue, 7 May 2002, 'Georgina' wrote:

> Hi
> Well I don't get mine in an accessible format but I'm in the UK so I
> guess that not relevant to you.  But is it for this list too?

Hi Gena,

This is for other UK subscribers as well.  BT offer braille and disk
bills, Kingston Communication offer bills on disk, only MS Excel though,
despite my protests.  Others I can't comment, but the access-uk list or
similar is probably a more appropriate forum in the UK.


Toby Fisher	Email: toby at
Tel.: +44(0)1480 417272	Mobile: +44(0)7974 363239
ICQ: #61744808
   Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

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