online gaming sites good for Blinuxers?

Raul A. Gallegos raul at
Mon Mar 25 09:43:02 EST 2002

I don't know about any online gaming sites blind people can use but when
I had my dsl service on static IP I ran 2 mud servers for some buddies
of mine.  Once I get my dsl back I'll start running them again.  I play
on 2 muds in particular.  One is 4444 and the other is 2222.  Both of these are pretty good.  I use lyntin as my mud
cleint as using just telnet doe snot offer any enhancements to playing.
I do it from Linux and love it.  Used to do it from windows but with
Linux I don't miss as much as I did on the screen as with windows.

If you are good, you will be assigned all the work.  If you are real
good, you will get out of it.
Raul A. Gallegos -

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