exporting the DISPLAY variable

Gregory Nowak gnowak1 at uic.edu
Mon Mar 18 11:46:31 EST 2002

The reason I want to export the DISPLAY variable as I indicated in another thread, is because when I run xterm or wine, they tell me they cannot open the display. Even so, typing "startx" works fine. If there is something else I should do, please enlighten me. If not, I will try your suggestion. Thanks.

On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 11:11:21AM +0100, Johan Bergström wrote:
> Try putting a semicolon before the 0.0, if you are running any windows
> locally, xterms or whatever they may be, you dont usually need to touch
> the DISPLAY variable. If you are planning on running windows on your
> machine that are started on an other machine, you need to export the
> DISPLAY variable on that other machine to point to yourip:0.0.
> If you still need to export DISPLAY locally, just do export DISPLAY=:0.0
> Johan.
> On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm getting closer and closer to resolving my winehq/x problems. I've
> > read that I need to export the DISPLAY variable with a value like 0.0.
> > So, I did "export DISPLAY=0.0". When running xterm or wine after doing
> > this, they pause for a while, and tell me this time that they can't open
> > display 0.0. I've also tried 1.0 instead of 0.0 with no luck. I'm on my
> > way with knowing how to export the DISPLAY variable, but how do I know
> > what value to put after the = instead of the 0.0? Thanks for any help in
> > advance.
> > Greg
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