question about installing keynote isa or eisa card in linux.

Jeremy R Schmidt jschmidt at
Sat Jun 22 22:03:18 EDT 2002

Hi Aaron,
I know I can't use the card with speakup.
I'm actually thinking about trying to write a driver for the keynote myself,
but I'm not sure where to start. I probably have to write some kind of init
function or something, but it seems like some of the docs talk about
assembler, so I'm not sure how to do that under c, or if I even have to.
It talks about registers and such I believe.
Anyway, do you know how to find the keynote, and write to it, or a piece of
hardware for that matter.
I've done a little with the doubletalk, but I just wrote to the serial port,
with /dev I believe. I just opened a file for read write, but I don't know
if that's the way to go in this case.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Howell" <aaron at>
To: <speakup at>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: question about installing keynote isa or eisa card in linux.

> Hi there,
> You can install your keynote card in your redhat box, but you can't use it
with speakup (its not supported).
> The card uses a polled interface (no interrupt is needed), and unless
you've changed the jumper on it, has its interface at 0x2e8-0x2ef.
> If you did change the jumper then its at 0x2a8-0x2af.
> For much more information beyond that you'll need the technical specs from
Pulse Data, I'm not sure if they're still requiring people to sign an NDA to
get that or not.
> Regards
> Aaron
> On Sat, Jun 22, 2002 at 02:41:53PM -0500, Jeremy R Schmidt wrote:
> > Hello everyone.
> > I was wondering, I want to install my keynote internal synth into my
> > 7.2 box.
> > How can I determine how it is installed?
> > (IRQ, interupt, ETC?)
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jeremy
> >
> >
> >
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