slackware and newest ghost script package problem

Gregory Nowak greg at
Wed Jul 3 17:23:23 EDT 2002

Hi all,

Now that Freedom Scientific has come out with the winprint utility, it is no longer necessary for me to connect my printer directly to the bns via a serial to parallel converter. So, I decided to hook up my printer to my slackware server, which would allow me to share it over samba, which among other things, would in turn let me still print my bns files to it. 

Since I was doing a fresh printer setup, I decided to go to the slackware-current directory, and get the newest versions of apsfilter and ghostscript. The old packages removed with no errors, and the new ones installed with no errors as well. However, when either the apsfilter setup program or myself run "gs", I get the following.

"gs: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory

I ran "ldconfig", but still no luck. Could someone please advise as to where I should look to find the problem? Btw, I noticed that the slackware 8.1 isos are up. Has 8.1 been officially released? Thanks.

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