redhat 7.2 or 7.3?

Tommy Moore tmoore at
Mon Jul 1 19:03:33 EDT 2002

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Deedra Waters wrote:

> As for how the two work, redhat comes with a lot mor packages then debian
> does which is nice in some cases, but I honestly think it comes with way
> too much.
This statement is incorrect.
Debian does in fact come with about the same or near the same amount of 
packages as Red Hat does. With the Woody release though they'll be a lot 
more than Red Hat I'd think.
What you meant to say is that Red Hat installs more programs on the 
initial install than 
Debian does and this is correct.
Also the Red Hat install will eat up a bit more disk space when installing 
the system but over all it is a good distribution. Just all depends on 
what your wanting to do.


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